
Write integration tests on R's side

The most recommended way is to write tests on R's side just as you do with an ordinary R package. You can write tests on Rust's side as described later, but, ultimately, the R functions are the user interface, so you should test the behavior of actual R functions.

Write Rust tests

The sad news is that cargo test doesn't work with savvy. This is because savvy always requires a real R session to work. But, don't worry, savvy-cli test is the tool for this. savvy-cli test does

  1. extract the Rust code of the test modules and the doc tests
  2. create a temporary R package1 and inject the extracted Rust code
  3. build and run the test functions via the R package

The R package is created in the OS's cache dir by default, but you can specify the location by --cache-dir.

Note that, this takes the path to the root of a crate, not that of an R package.

savvy-cli test path/to/your_crate


savvy-cli test tries to mimic what cargo test does as much as possible, but there's some limitations.

First, in order to run tests, you need to add "lib" to the crate-type. This is because your crate is used as a Rust library when run by savvy-cli test.

crate-type = ["staticlib", "lib"]

Second, if you want to test a function or a struct, it must be public. For the ones marked with #[savvy] are automatically made public, but, if you want to test other functions, you need to add pub to it by yourself.

pub fn foo() -> savvy::Result<()> {

Test module

You can write tests under a module marked with #[cfg(feature = "savvy-test")] instead of #[cfg(test)]. A #[test] function needs to have the return value of savvy::Result<()>, which is the same convention as #[savvy]. To check if an SEXP contains the expected data, assert_eq_r_code is convenient.

#[cfg(feature = "savvy-test")]
mod test {
    use savvy::{OwnedIntegerSexp, assert_eq_r_code};

    fn test_integer() -> savvy::Result<()> {
        let mut x = OwnedIntegerSexp::new(3)?;

        assert_eq_r_code(x, "c(0L, 0L, 0L)");


Note that savvy-test is just a marker for savvy-cli, not a real feature. So, in theory, you don't really need this. However, in reality, you probably want to add it to the [features] section of Cargo.toml because otherwise Cargo warns.

savvy-test = []

To test a function that takes user-supplied SEXPs like IntegerSexp, you can use .as_read_only() to convert from the corresponding Owned- type. For example, if you have a function your_fn() that accepts IntegerSexp, you can construct an OwnedIntegerSexp and convert it to IntegerSexp before passing it to your_fn().

pub fn your_fn(x: IntegerSexp) -> savvy::Result<()> {
    // ...snip...

#[cfg(feature = "savvy-test")]
mod test {
    use savvy::OwnedIntegerSexp;

    fn test_integer() -> savvy::Result<()> {
        let x = savvy::OwnedIntegerSexp::new(3)?;
        let x_ro = x.as_read_only();
        let result = super::your_fn(x_ro);

        assert_eq_r_code(result, "...");

Doc tests

You can also write doc tests. savvy-cli test wraps it with a function with the return value of savvy::Result<()>, you can use ? to extract the Result value in the code.

/// ```
/// let x = savvy::OwnedIntegerSexp::new(3)?;
/// assert_eq!(x.as_slice(), &[0, 0, 0]);
/// ```

Features and dependencies

If you need to specify some features for testing, use --features argument.

savvy-cli test --features foo path/to/your_crate

For dependencies, savvy-cli test picks all dependencies in [dependencies] and [dev-dependencies]. If you need some additional crate for the test code, you can just use [dev-dependencies] section of the Cargo.toml just as you do when you do cargo test.

Reminder: You can use cargo test

While #[savvy] requires a real session, you can utilize cargo test by separating the actual logic to a function that doesn't rely on savvy. For example, suppose you have the following function times_two_int() that doubles the input numbers.

fn times_two_int(x: IntegerSexp) -> savvy::Result<savvy::Sexp> {
    let mut out = OwnedIntegerSexp::new(x.len())?;

    for (i, e) in x.iter().enumerate() {
        if e.is_na() {
        } else {
            out[i] = e * 2;


In this case, you can rewrite the code to the following so that you can test times_two_int_impl() with cargo test.

fn times_two_int(x: IntegerSexp) -> savvy::Result<savvy::Sexp> {
    let result: Vec<i32> = times_two_int_impl(x.as_slice());

fn times_two_int_impl(x: &[i32]) -> Vec<i32> {
        .map(|x| if x.is_na() { *x } else { *x * 2 })

But, as you might notice, this implementation is a bit inefficient that it allocates a Vec<i32> just to store the temporary result. Like this, separating a function might be a bit tricky and it might not be really worth in some cases. (In this case, probably the function can return an iterator).