
Basic usage

You can use #[savvy] macro on a struct to convert it to an R object. More precisely, this macro adds implementations of TryFrom between Sexp and the struct so you can specify the type as the function input and output.

/// @export
struct Person {
    pub name: String,

The most handy form is to implement methods and associated functions for the type. You can add #[savvy] before the impl block to make it available on R sessions.

impl Person {
    fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            name: "".to_string(),

    fn set_name(&mut self, name: &str) -> savvy::Result<()> { = name.to_string();

    fn name(&self) -> savvy::Result<savvy::Sexp> {
        let mut out = OwnedStringSexp::new(1)?;
        out.set_elt(0, &;

    fn say_hello() -> savvy::Result<savvy::Sexp> {

If we focus on the arguments, there are two types of functions here:

  1. method: the first argument is self 1 (set_name() and name())
  2. associated function: no self argument (new() and say_hello())

You should almost always use &self or &mut self, not self, except when you are an expert and your intention is really to comsume it. Let's discuss later.

On an R session, associated functions are available as the element of the same name of R object as the Rust type (in this case, Person).

p <- Person$new()

#> [1] "Hello"

Among these two associated functions, new() is a constructor which returns Self. This creates an instance of the struct.

The instance has the methods. You can call them like below.

# create an instance
p <- Person$new()

# call methods
#> [1] "たかし"

The instance has the same name of S3 class as the Rust type, so you can implement S3 methods such as print.<your struct>() if necessary.

#> [1] "Person"

# register print() S3 method for Person
print.Person <- function(x, ...) print(x$name())
registerS3method("print", "Person", print.Person)

#> たかし

Struct output

The above example uses -> Self as the return type of the associated function, but it's not the only specification. You can wrap it with savvy::Result<Self>.

impl Person {
    fn new_fallible() -> savvy::Result<Self> {
        let x = Self {
            name: "".to_string(),

More generally, you can specify an arbitrary struct marked with #[savvy] as the return type. For example, you can create an instance of the struct outside of impl,

/// @export
fn create_person() -> savvy::Result<Person> {
    let x = Self {
        name: "".to_string(),

and you can generate another type of instance from an instance.

/// @export
struct UpperPerson {
    pub name: String,

impl Person {
    fn reborn_as_upper_person(&self) -> savvy::Result<UpperPerson> {
        let x = UpperPerson {

Struct input

You can also use the struct as the argument of a #[savvy]-ed function. Note that, in most of the cases, you should specify &T or &mut T, not T.

/// @export
fn get_name_external(x: &Person) -> savvy::Result<savvy::Sexp> {
#> [1] "たかし"

&T vs T

If you are familiar with Rust, you should know the difference. T moves the ownership while &T is just borrowing. But, what does this matter savvy? What happens in actual when you specify T in a #[savvy] function?

Say, you mistyped &Person above as Person like this:

/// @export
fn get_name_external2(x: Person) -> savvy::Result<savvy::Sexp> {

This function works the same as the previous one. The result of the first call is the same. Yay!

#> [1] "たかし"

Then, what's wrong? You'll find it when you call the function on the same object second time; it doesn't work anymore.

#> Error: This external pointer is already consumed or deleted

This is because the Person object is already moved. The R variable p doesn't hold the ownership anymore. So, you should almost always specify &T (or &mut T), not T.

The same is true for a method. Use &self and &mut self instead of self unless you want such a method like this!

impl Person {
    fn invalidate(self) -> savvy::Result<()> {
        r_println!("This instance is invalidated!");

When is T useful?

You might wonder why savvy allows this specification at all. Are there any cases when this is useful?

The answer is yes. The advantage of moving the ownership is that you can avoid copying. For example, consider there's a type HeavyData, which contains huge size of data, and HeavyDataBundle which bundles two HeavyDatas.

/// @export
struct HeavyData(Vec<i32>);

/// @export
struct HeavyDataBundle {
    data1: HeavyData,
    data2: HeavyData,

impl HeavyData {
    // ...snip...

HeavyDataBundle requires the ownership of the DataBundles. So, if the input is &, you need to clone() the data, which can be costly.

/// @export
impl HeavyDataBundle {
    fn new(
        data1: &HeavyData,
        data2: &HeavyData,
    ) -> Self {
        Self {
            data1: data1.clone(),
            data2: data2.clone(),

In this case, you can move the ownership to avoid copying.

/// @export
impl HeavyDataBundle {
    fn new(
        data1: HeavyData,
        data2: HeavyData,
    ) -> Self {
        Self { data1, data2 }

Of course, this is an expert-only usage and is rarely needed. Again, you should almost always use &T or &mut T instead of T. If you are really sure it doesn't work well, you can use T.


#[savvy] macro doesn't support a struct with lifetimes. This is because crossing the boundary of FFI means losing the track of the lifetimes.

For example, the struct below contains a reference to a variable of usize. However, once an instance of Foo is passed to R's side, Rust cannot know whether the variable is still alive when Foo is passed back to Rust's side.

struct Foo<'a>(&'a usize)

Then, what should we do to deal with such structs? I'm yet to find the best practices, but you might be able to

  • use 'static lifetime (i.e. struct Foo(&'static usize)) probably by referencing a global variable
  • instead of passing the struct itself to R, store the struct in a global std::sync::OnceLock<HashMap> and pass the key

External pointer?

Under the hood, the Person struct is stored in EXTPTRSXP. But, you don't need to care about how to deal with EXTPTRSXP. This is because it's stored in a closure environment on creation and never exposed to the user. As it's guaranteed on R's side that self is always a EXTPTRSXP of Person, Rust code just restore a Person instance from the EXTPTRSXP without any checks.

.savvy_wrap_Person <- function(ptr) {
  e <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
  e$.ptr <- ptr
  e$set_name <- Person_set_name(ptr)
  e$name <- Person_name(ptr)

  class(e) <- "Person"

Person <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
Person$new <- function() {

Person$say_hello <- function() {

Person_set_name <- function(self) {
  function(name) {
    invisible(.Call(Person_set_name__impl, self, name))

Person_name <- function(self) {
  function() {
    .Call(Person_name__impl, self)

It's important to mention that savvy only wraps the EXTPTRSXP in a closure environment when the type is used directly as the returning type of the function. If the user wants to return Person inside a List, for example, the external pointer will be directly exposed to the user and it will be the user's responsibility to deal with it.

struct Person {}

// This case savvy handles nicely.
/// @export
impl Person {
    fn new() -> savvy::Result<Person> {
        Ok(Person {})

// In this case, the user is handled an external pointer.
/// @export
fn create_list() -> savvy::Result<Sexp> {
    let mut list = OwnedListSexp::new(1, false)?;
    let person = Person {};
    list.set_value(0, Sexp::try_from(person)?)?;

in R:

> person = Person$new()
> print(person)
<environment: 0x0000027cf9d46a20>
[1] "Person"

> l = create_list()
> print(l)
<pointer: 0x0000000000000001>

Traps about protection

This is a bit advanced topic. It's okay to have a struct to contain arbitrary things, however, if you want to pass an SEXP from an R session, it's your responsibility to take care of the protection on it.

The SEXP passed from outside doesn't need an additional protection at the time of the function call because it belongs to some environment on R session, which means it's not GC-ed accidentally. However, after the function call, it's possible the SEXP loses its link to any other R objects. To prevent the tragedy (i.e., R session crash), you should create a owned version and copy the values into it because savvy takes care of the protection on it. So, in short, you should never define such a struct like this:

struct Foo {
    a: IntegerSexp

Instead, you should write

struct Foo {
    a: OwnedIntegerSexp