Handling Vector Input

Basic rule

As described in Key Ideas, the input SEXP is read-only. You cannot modify the values in place.


1. iter()

IntegerSexp, RealSexp, LogicalSexp, and StringSexp provide iter() method so that you can access to the value one by one.

for (i, e) in x.iter().enumerate() {
    // ...snip...

Similarly, NumericSexp, which handles both integer and double, provides iter_i32() and iter_f64(). But, this might allocate if the type conversion is needed.

2. as_slice() (for integer and double)

IntegerSexp and RealSexp can expose their underlying C array as a Rust slice by as_slice().

/// @export
fn foo(x: IntegerSexp) -> savvy::Result<()> {

Similarly, NumericSexp, which handles both integer and double, provides as_slice_i32() and as_slice_f64(). But, this might allocate if the type conversion is needed.

3. to_vec()

As the name indicates, to_vec() copies the values to a new Rust vector. Copying can be costly for big data, but a vector is handy if you need to pass the data around among Rust functions.

let mut v = x.to_vec();

If a function requires a slice and the type is not integer or double, you have no choice but to_vec() to create a new vector and then convert it to a slice.

let mut v = x.to_vec();

Missing values

There's no concept of "missing value" on the corresponding types of Rust. So, it looks a normal value to Rust's side.

The good news is that R uses the sentinel values to represent NA, so it's possible to check if a value is NA to R in case the type is either i32, f64 or &str.

By using NotAvailableValue trait, you can check if the value is NA by is_na(), and refer to the sentinel value of NA by <T>::na(). If you care about missing values, you always have to have an if branch for missing values like below.

use savvy::NotAvailableValue;

/// @export
fn sum(x: RealSexp) -> savvy::Result<savvy::Sexp> {
    let mut sum: f64 = 0.0;
    for e in x.iter() {
        if !e.is_na() {
            sum += e;


The bad news is that bool is not the case. bool doesn't have is_na() or na(). NA is treated as TRUE without any errors. So, you have to make sure the input doesn't contain any missing values on R's side. For example, this function is not an identity function.

/// @export
fn identity_logical(x: LogicalSexp) -> savvy::Result<savvy::Sexp> {
    let mut out = OwnedLogicalSexp::new(x.len())?;

    for (i, e) in x.iter().enumerate() {
        out.set_elt(i, e)?;

identity_logical(c(TRUE, FALSE, NA))

The good news is that LogicalSexp has an expert-only method as_slice_raw(). See "Logical" section of Integer, Real, String, Logical, And Complex for the details.