You can implement an ALTREP class using savvy.


  • This feature is very experimental, so it's possible that the interface will be significantly changed or even removed in future.

  • The current API might be a bit oversimplified. For example, you cannot stop the vector is materialized (i.e., allocated as a normal SEXP and put into the data2 slot of the ALTREP object).


Savvy currently provides only the following traits for ALTREP. The other ALTREPs like ALTCOMPLEX are not yet supported.

For example, consider the following struct that simply wraps a Vec<i32>.

struct MyAltInt(Vec<i32>);

impl MyAltInt {
    fn new(x: Vec<i32>) -> Self {

First, you need to implement IntoExtPtrSexp trait for the struct, which is required by Alt* traits. This trait is what works under the hood of #[savvy] when it's placed on a struct. You can just rely on the default implementation.

impl savvy::IntoExtPtrSexp for MyAltInt {}

Second, you need to implement one of the Alt* traits. More specifically, the trait has 4 members you need to implement:

  • CLASS_NAME is the name of the class. This is used for distinguishing the class, so please use a unique string.
  • PACKAGE_NAME is the name of your package. This probably doesn't matter much.
  • length() returns the length of the object.
  • elt(i) returns the i-th element of the object. An important note is that, usually R handles the out-of-bound check and returns NA if it exceeds the length. So, you don't need to check the length here.

In this case, the actual data is i32, so let's implement AltInteger.

impl AltInteger for MyAltInt {
    const CLASS_NAME: &'static str = "MyAltInt";
    const PACKAGE_NAME: &'static str = "TestPackage";

    fn length(&mut self) -> usize {

    fn elt(&mut self, i: usize) -> i32 {

Optionally, you can implement these methods:

  • copy_date(dst, offset): This copies the range of values starting from offset into dst, a &mut [T]. The default implementation does just call elt() repeatedly, but there might be more efficient implementation (e.g. copy_from_slice()).
  • inspect(): This is called when .Internal(inspect(x)). You might want to print some information useful for debugging.

Next step is a bit advanced. You need to create a definition of ALTREP class from the above trait. This is done by the corresponding register_alt*_class() function (for example, register_altinteger_class for an integer class). This function generates an ALTREP class and registers it to an R session.

The registration needs to happen when an R session loads the DLL of your crate. As explained in the section of initialization routine, you can define a #[savvy_init] function, which will be called in the initialization routine.

fn init_altrep_class(dll_info: *mut DllInfo) -> savvy::Result<()> {

Finally, you'll probably want to implement a user-visible function to create the instance of the ALTREP class. You can convert the struct into an ALTREP by .into_altrep() method, which is provided by the Alt* trait. For example, you can create the following function that returns the length 3 of the ALTREP vector to the R session.

fn altint() -> savvy::Result<savvy::Sexp> {
    let v = MyAltInt::new(vec![1, 2, 3]);

This function can be used like this:

x <- altint()

#> [1] 1 2 3

This looks like a normal integer vector, but this is definitely an ALTREP.

#> @0x0000021684acac40 13 INTSXP g0c0 [REF(65535)] (MyAltInt)

Going deeper...

Once the ALTREP object leaves your hand, it looks like a normal vector. But, if you really wish, you can convert it back to the original object. Alt* trait provides 3 methods for this conversion:

  • try_from_altrep_ref() for &T
  • try_from_altrep_mut() for &mut T
  • try_from_altrep() for T

For example, you can print the underlying data using Debug trait.

fn print_altint(x: IntegerSexp) -> savvy::Result<()> {
    if let Ok(x) = MyAltInt::try_from_altrep_ref(&x) {
        return Ok(());

    Err("Not a known ALTREP".into())
#> MyAltInt([1, 2, 3])

But, before getting excited, you need to be aware about the tricky nature of R.

First, your ALTREP object can be easily lost in the sea of copy-on-modify. For example, if the object is get modified, it's no longer an ALTREP object.

x <- altint()

x[1L] <- 3L

#> Error: Not a known ALTREP

Second, this is much trickier. As there is try_from_altrep_mut(), you can modify the underlying data. For example, you can mutiply each number by two.

fn tweak_altint(mut x: IntegerSexp) -> savvy::Result<()> {
    if let Ok(x) = MyAltInt::try_from_altrep_mut(&mut x, false) {
        for i in x.0.iter_mut() {
            *i *= 2;
        return Ok(());

    Err("Not a known ALTREP".into())

Let's confirm this function modifies the underlying data as expected.

x <- altint()
c(x) # This is for a side effect! Let's discuss later.
#> [1] 1 2 3


#> MyAltInt([2, 4, 6])

So far, so good. But, if you print x, you'll find the values are diverged between Rust and R... Why can this happen?

#> [1] 1 2 3

This is because savvy's implementation caches the SEXP object converted from the underlying data. It's can be costly if it creates a fresh SEXP object everytime the R session requires, so the result is cached at the first time it's created (in the above case, it's c(x)). As far as I know, most of the ALTREP implementation adopt this caching strategy (more specifically, an ALTREP object has two slots, data1 and data2, and data2 is usually used for the cache).

But, don't worry. try_from_altrep_mut() has a second argument, invalidate_cache. You can set this to true to clear the cache.

fn tweak_altint2(mut x: IntegerSexp) -> savvy::Result<()> {
    if let Ok(x) = MyAltInt::try_from_altrep_mut(&mut x, true) {
      //                                                 ^^^^^
      //                                                   changed!
#> MyAltInt([2, 4, 6])

#> [1] 2, 4, 6

This API is still experimental and I'm yet to find some nicer design. Feedback is really appreciated!