Make QQ plots for big data expected to be uniformly distributed, e.g. p-values.
stopauthor: rcorty
stoptags: visualization,quantiles,p-values,statistics,big data
stopjs libraries:
(full meta data to go here)
Generate XMR Control Chart Data from Time-Series Data.
stopauthor: Alex Zanidean
stoptags: XmR, Visualization, Control Charts, QC, XBar
3D perspective plots for ggplot2
stopauthor: Daniel Acker
stoptags: 3D, Visualization
Use ggQC to plot single, faceted and multi-layered quality control charts .
stopauthor: Kenith Grey
stoptags: QC, XmR, XbarR, SixSigma, Visualization
‘ggdist’ provides stats and geoms for visualizing distributions and uncertainty.
stopauthor: mjskay
stoptags: visualization,uncertainty,confidence,probability
ggedit is aimed to interactively edit ggplot layers, scales and themes aesthetics
stopauthor: yonicd
stoptags: visualization, interactive, shiny, general,themes
gganatogram makes it possible to visualise tissues for different organisms or cell compartments.
stopauthor: jespermaag
stoptags: anatograms, tissue, visualization, anatomy, expression, pharmacology
ggforce is aimed at providing missing functionality to ggplot2 through the extension system introduced with ggplot2 v2.0.0.
stopauthor: thomasp85
stoptags: visualization,general
A compendium of ‘geoms’, ‘coords’ and ‘stats’ for ‘ggplot2’.
stopauthor: hrbrmstr
htmlwidget to make ‘ggplot’ graphics interactive.
stopauthor: davidgohel
Creates Muller plots for visualizing evolutionary dynamics.
stopauthor: robjohnnoble
stoptags: visualization,evolution,dynamics
ggstance implements horizontal versions of common ggplot2 geoms.
stopauthor: lionel-
Repel overlapping text labels away from each other.
stopauthor: slowkow
ggraph is tailored at plotting graph-like data structures (graphs, networks, trees, hierarchies…).
Annotations: model equations, ANOVA table, summary table; tables, plots and grobs as insets.
stopauthor: Pedro J. Aphalo
stoptags: annotations,insets,equations,tables
geomnet implements network visualizations in ggplot2 via geom_net.
stopauthor: sctyner
ggExtra lets you add marginal density plots or histograms to ggplot2 scatterplots.
stopauthor: daattali
stoptags: histogram,marginal,density
The unified interface to ggplot2 many popular statistical pakackage results.
stopauthor: terrytangyuan
Automatic generation of interactive visualizations for popular statistical results.
stopjs libraries: plotly
A Grammar of Animated Graphics.
plotROC provides functions to generate an interactive ROC curve plot for web use, and print versions.
stopauthor: sachsmc
Some extra geoms, scales, and themes for ggplot.
stopauthor: jrnold
stoptags: visualization,general,themes
‘ggspectra’ extends ‘ggplot2’ with stats, geoms and annotations for plotting light spectra.
stopauthor: aphalo
‘ggstatsplot’ provides a collection of functions to enhance ‘ggplot2’ plots with results from statistical tests.
stopauthor: IndrajeetPatil
stoptags: visualization,statistics
The ggnetwork package provides a way to build network plots with ggplot2.
stopauthor: briatte
ggplot2 tech themes, scales, and geoms.
stopauthor: ricardo-bion
ggradar allows you to build radar charts with ggplot2.
This R package offers novel time series visualisations.
stopauthor: Ather-Energy
gtree is designed for visualizing phylogenetic tree and different types of associated annotation data.
stopauthor: GuangchuangYu
Seasonal adjustment on the fly extension for ggplot2.
stopauthor: ellisp
A collection of ‘ggplot2’ color palettes inspired by scientific journals and science fiction TV shows.
stopauthor: road2stat
ggmosaic implements mosaic plots in ‘ggplot2’ via geom_mosaic.
stopauthor: haleyjeppson
Drawing Survival Curves using ‘ggplot2’
stopauthor: kassambara
stoptags: visualization,survival
Themes for ggplot
stopauthor: cttobin
ggally extends ‘ggplot2’ by adding several functions to reduce the complexity of combining geometric objects with transformed data.
stopauthor: ggobi
Publication-ready sequence logos using ggplot2.
stopauthor: omarwagih
Visualise multivariate data using human faces
stopauthor: Selbosh
stoptags: visualization
Ridgeline plot geoms for ‘ggplot2’
stopauthor: clauswilke
Repositioning legends and adding brackets to axes to ‘ggplot2’.
stopauthor: stenfanedwards
stoptags: visualization,brackets,axis
Streamlined plot theme and plot annotations for ‘ggplot2’
Quantile-quantile and probability-probability plot extensions for ‘ggplot2’
stopauthor: almeidaxan
stoptags: quantile-quantile,probability-probability
A ‘ggplot2’ extension for alluvial diagrams.
stopauthor: corybrunson
stoptags: visualization,categorical,time series
Easy composition of ggplot plots using arithmetic operators
stoptags: visualization,composition
Quiver/velocity plots for ‘ggplot2’.
stopauthor: mitchelloharawild
stoptags: visualization,quiver,velocity,vector
Causal directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) in ggplot2
stopauthor: malcolmbarrett
stoptags: visualization,dags,inference
ggplot2 via formulas and pipes
stopauthor: rpruim
stoptags: visualization,general,interface
Create beeswarm plots, which avoids overlapping datapoints.
stopauthor: Erik Clarke and Scott Sherrill-Mix
stoptags: visualization, beeswarm, categorical
Automagically augment periodic data in ggplot2
stopauthor: eliocamp
stoptags: visualization,periodic
ggpol adds parliament diagrams and several other geoms to ggplot2.
stopauthor: erocoar
Pirate plots for ggplot2
stopauthor: mikabr
Explore and Visualize Your Data Interactively with ggplot2
stopauthor: dreamrs
stoptags: visualization,interface
Dark Mode for ggplot2 Themes
stopauthor: nsgrantham
Supporting Graphs for Analysing Temporal Data with ggplot2.
stopauthor: earowang
stoptags: visualization,calendar,time-series
ggplot2 Themes & Palettes from popular TV shows!
stopauthor: Ryo-N7
stoptags: visualization,general,palettes,themes
ggplot2 geoms to fit text in a box
stopauthor: wilkox
stoptags: visualization,general,text
ggplot2 visualizations for the partykit package
stopauthor: martin-borkovec
stoptags: visualization,tree,partykit
ggplot2 geoms to draw gene arrow maps
stoptags: visualization,general,genetics
Draw treemaps in ggplot2
stoptags: visualization,general,treemap
Create diagnostics plots for linear regression
stopauthor: yeukyul
stoptags: visualization,general,diagnostics,regression
gghalves adds half-geoms to ggplot2.
Rasterize only specific layers of your plot
stopauthor: vpetukhov
stoptags: visualization,raster
Introduces geom_pointdensity(): A cross between a scatter plot and a 2D density plot.
stopauthor: LKremer
The aim of this package is to offer more variability of graphics based on the self-organizing maps.
stopauthor: oldlipe
stoptags: visualization,SOM,multi-dimensional,parallel-coordinates
Use multiple fill and colour scales in ‘ggplot2’.
stoptags: visualization,general,scales
Options for tailored facets, multiple colourscales and miscellaneous
stopauthor: teunbrand
stoptags: visualization,general,scales,facets
Shorten the distance from data visualization idea to actual plot
stopauthor: thomas-neitmann
Visualise topographic human data with choropleths
stopauthor: benskov
stoptags: visualization,general,tabulation,choropleth
Draw a shadow below lines to make busy plots more aesthetically pleasing
stopauthor: marcmenem
Draw polygons of brain atlas segmentations
stopauthor: Athanasiamo
stoptags: visualization,brain imaging
‘ggplot2’ themes that render text as markdown/HTML
stoptags: visualization,themes
A word cloud text geom for ‘ggplot2’.
stopauthor: lepennec
stoptags: visualization,text
Asymmetric matrix plotting with multiple scales.
stopauthor: jhrcook
stoptags: visualization,multi-dimensional,matrix,scales
Plotting Lorenz curves with the blessing of ggplot2.
stopauthor: jjchern
stoptags: visualization,general,statistics
A compilation of extra {ggplot2} themes, scales and utilities, including a spell check function for plot label fields and an overall emphasis on typography.
stoptags: theme,typography
Pattern fills for ggplot2 geoms.
stopauthor: coolbutuseless
stoptags: visualization,pattern
Improved text rendering support for ggplot2
stopauthor: Claus Wilke
stoptags: general,theme,typography
Ready to Print Monthly and Yearly Calendars
stopauthor: R-CoderDotCom
stoptags: visualization, calendar, time-series
Data visualization of IP addresses and networks
stopauthor: davidchall
stoptags: visualization, cyber, space-filling curves
Grammar of Graphics for linear model diagnostic plots.
stopauthor: graysonwhite
stoptags: visualization,modeling,diagnostic
Microeconomics and Macroeconomics Charts
stoptags: economics, microeconomics, macroeconomics
Visualize set intersections and add ggplot2 annotations
stopauthor: krassowski
stoptags: visualization,venn,set,intersections,venn-diagram,upset
Colourspace Scales for ‘ggplot2’
stoptags: visualization,scales
ggplot2 version of heatmap
stoptags: visualization, heatmap