Handling Vector Output

Basically, there are two ways to prepare an output to the R session.

1. Create a new R object first and put values on it

An owned SEXP can be allocated by using Owned{type}Sexp::new(). new() takes the length of the vector as the argument. If you need the same length of vector as the input, you can pass the len() of the input SEXP.

new() returns Result because the memory allocation can fail in case when the vector is too large. You can probably just add ? to it to handle the error.

let mut out = OwnedStringSexp::new(x.len())?;

Use set_elt() to put the values one by one. Note that you can also assign values like out[i] = value for integer and double. See Type-specific Topics for more details.

for (i, e) in x.iter().enumerate() {
    // ...snip...

    out.set_elt(i, &format!("{e}_{y}"))?;

You can use set_na() to set the specified element as NA. For example, it's a common case to use this in order to propagate the missingness like below.

for (i, e) in x.iter().enumerate() {
    // ...snip...
    if e.is_na() {
    } else {
        // ...snip...

After putting the values to the vector, you can convert it to Result<Sexp> by into().

/// @export
fn foo() -> savvy::Result<savvy::Sexp> {
    let mut out = OwnedStringSexp::new(x.len())?;

    // ...snip...


2. Convert a Rust vector by methods like try_into()

Another way is to use a Rust vector to store the results and convert it to an R object at the end of the function. This is also fallible because this anyway needs to create a new R object under the hood, which can fail. So, this time, the conversion is try_into(), not into().

// Let's not consider for handling NAs at all for simplicity...

/// @export
fn times_two(x: IntegerSexp) -> savvy::Result<savvy::Sexp> {
    let out: Vec<i32> = x.iter().map(|v| v * 2).collect();

Note that, while this looks handy, this might not be very efficient; for example, times_two() above allocates a Rust vector, and then copy the values into a new R vector in try_into(). The copying cost can be innegligible when the vector is very huge.


The same conversions are also available in the form of Owned{type}Sexp::try_from_slice(). While this says "slice", this accepts AsRef<[T]>, which means both Vec<T> and &[T] can be used.

For converting the return value, probably try_from() is shorter in most of the cases. But, sometimes you might find this useful (e.g., the return value is a list and you need to construct the elements of it).

/// @export
fn times_two2(x: IntegerSexp) -> savvy::Result<savvy::Sexp> {
    let out: Vec<i32> = x.iter().map(|v| v * 2).collect();
    let out_sexp: OwnedIntegerSexp::try_from_slice(out);


If you only have an iterator, try_from_iter() is more efficient. This example function is the case. The previous examples first collect()ed into a Vec, but it's not necessary in theory.

/// @export
fn times_two3(x: IntegerSexp) -> savvy::Result<savvy::Sexp> {
    let iter = x.iter().map(|v| v * 2);
    let out_sexp: OwnedIntegerSexp::try_from_iter(iter);

Note that, if you already have a slice or vec, you should use try_from_slice() instead of calling iter() on the slice or vec and using try_from_iter(). In such cases, try_from_slice() is more performant for integer, double, and complex because it just copies the underlying memory into SEXP rather than handling the elements one by one.