Integer, Real, String, Logical, And Complex

Integer and real

In cases of integer (IntegerSexp, OwnedIntegerSexp) and real (RealSexp, OwnedRealSexp), the internal representation of the SEXPs match with the Rust type we expect, i.e., i32 and f64. By taking this advantage, these types has more methods than other types:

  • as_slice() and as_mut_slice()
  • Index and IndexMut
  • efficient TryFrom<&[T]>

as_slice() and as_mut_slice()

These types can expose its underlying C array as a Rust slice by as_slice(). as_mut_slice() is available only for the owned versions. So, you don't need to use to_vec() to create a new vector just to pass the data to the function that requires slice.

/// @export
fn foo(x: IntegerSexp) -> savvy::Result<()> {

Index and IndexMut

You can also access to the underlying data by [. These methods are available only for the owned versions. This means you can write assignment operation like below instead of set_elt().

/// @export
fn times_two(x: IntegerSexp) -> savvy::Result<savvy::Sexp> {
    let mut out = OwnedIntegerSexp::new(x.len())?;

    for (i, &v) in x.iter().enumerate() {
        if v.is_na() {
            out[i] = i32::na();
        } else {
            out[i] = v * 2;


Efficient TryFrom<&[T]>

TryFrom<&[T]> is not special to real and integer, but the implementation is different from that of logical and string; since the internal representations are the same, savvy uses copy_from_slice(), which does a memcpy, to copy the data efficently (in logical and string case, the values are copied one by one).


It's ideal to ensure the function takes the expected type on R's side (e.g., you can use vctrs::vec_cast(), or define S3 methods for integer and double separately). But, it's not always possible.

You can use NumericSexp to accept both real and integer. NumericSexp provides a method to get either i32 or f64 values:

  • as_slice_i32() returns &[i32]. This is fallible.
  • as_slice_f64() returns &[f64].
  • iter_i32() returns an iterator of Result<i32>.
  • iter_f64() returns an iterator of f64.

These functions return the underlying data directly if the type is the same as wanted, otherwise converts the values. If the conversion is from f64 to i32, it fails when any of the values is

  • Inf or -Inf
  • out of range for i32
  • not integer-ish (e.g. 1.1)

For example, you can rewrite the above function like this:

fn times_two(x: NumericSexp) -> savvy::Result<Sexp> {
    let mut out = OwnedIntegerSexp::new(x.len())?;

    for (i, v) in x.iter_i32().enumerate() {
        let v = v?;
        if v.is_na() {
            out[i] = i32::na();
        } else {
            out[i] = v * 2;


Another way is to use .into_typed() and match the result to apply an appropriate function depneding on the type. In this case, you need to define two different functions, but this might be useful when the logic is very different for integer values and real values.

fn times_two(x: NumericSexp) -> savvy::Result<savvy::Sexp> {
    match x.into_typed() {
        NumericTypedSexp::Integer(i) => times_two_int(i),
        NumericTypedSexp::Real(r) => times_two_real(r),


While logical is 3-state (TRUE, FALSE and NA) on R's side, bool can represent only 2 states (true and false). This mismatch is a headache. There are many possible ways to handle this (e.g., use Option<bool>), but savvy chose to convert NA to true silently, assuming NA is not useful on Rust's side anyway. So, you have to make sure the input logical vector doesn't contain NA on R's side. For example,

wrapper_of_some_savvy_fun <- function(x) {
  out <- rep(NA, length(x))
  idx <-

  # apply function only non-NA elements
  out[x] <- some_savvy_fun(x[idx])


If you really want to handle the 3 states, use an expert-only method as_slice_raw(). This returns &[i32] instead of &[bool]. Why i32? It's the internal representation of a logical vector, which is the same as an integer vector. By treating the data as i32, you can use is_na().

use savvy::NotAvailableValue;   // for is_na()

/// @export
fn flip_logical_expert_only(x: LogicalSexp) -> savvy::Result<savvy::Sexp> {
    let mut out = OwnedLogicalSexp::new(x.len())?;

    for (i, e) in x.as_slice_raw().iter().enumerate() {
        if e.is_na() {
        } else {
            out.set_elt(i, *e != 1)?; // 1 means TRUE

flip_logical_expert_only(c(TRUE, FALSE, NA))
#> [1]  TRUE FALSE    NA


STRSXP is a vector of CHARSXP, not something like *char. So, it's not possible to expose the internal representation as &str. So, it requires several R's C API calls. To get a &str

  1. STRING_ELT() to subset a CHARSXP
  2. R_CHAR() to extract the string from CHARSXP

Similarly, to set a &str

  1. Rf_mkCharLenCE() to convert &str to a CHARSEXP
  2. SET_STRING_ELT() to put the CHARSXP to the STRSXP

This is a bit costly. So, if the strings need to be referenced and updated frequently, probably you should avoid using OwnedStringSexp as a substitute of Vec<String>.

Encoding and 'static lifetime

While Rust's string is UTF-8, R's string is not guaranteed to be UTF-8. R provides Rf_translateCharUTF8() to convert the string to UTF-8. However, savvy chose not to use it. There are two reasons:

  1. As of version 4.2.0, R uses UTF-8 as the native encoding even on Windows systems. While old Windows systems are not the case, I bravely assumes it's rare and time will solve.
  2. The result of R_CHAR() is the string stored in R_StringHash, the global CHARSXP cache. In my understanding, this will never be removed during the session. So, this allows savvy to mark the result &str with 'static lifetime. However, the result of Rf_translateCharUTF8() is on an R_alloc()-ed memory (code), which can be claimed by GC.

In short, in order to stick with 'static lifetime for the sake of simplicity, I decided to neglect relatively-rare case. Note that, invalid UTF-8 charactars are rejected (= currently, silently replaced with "") by CStr, so it's not very unsafe.


Complex is optionally supported under feature flag complex. If it's enabled, you can use ComplexSexp and OwnedComplexSexp to use a complex vector for input or output, and you can extract the slice of num_complex::Complex64 from it.

/// @export
fn abs_complex(x: savvy::ComplexSexp) -> savvy::Result<savvy::Sexp> {
    let mut out = savvy::OwnedRealSexp::new(x.len())?;

    for (i, c) in x.iter().enumerate() {
        if !c.is_na() {
            out[i] = ( * + *;
        } else {
